





Prayer of reparation
following the opening "ceremony" of the Olympic Games, Paris 2024

Parce Domine,
Parce populo tuo :
Ne in aeternum irascaris nobis.

1. Flectamus iram vindicem,
Ploremus ante Judicem ;
Clamemus ore supplici,
Dicamus omnes cernui.

2. Nostris malis offendimus
Tuam Deus clementiam
Effunde nobis
desuper Remissor indulgentiam.

3. Dans tempus acceptabile,
Da lacrimarum rivulis
Lavare cordis victimam,
Quam laeta adurat caritas.





Letter to our Elders

on the occasion of the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, requested by Pope Francis




"Let us pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the human person, may be legally abolished in every country.”







This video is made from excerpts from a conference given by Mother Myriam to the Marial Sisters. In the current context, the Congregation has deemed it important to make it available to a greater number.






In 1999, the Marial Sisters bought ruins
For 20 ans, they have been restoring them day after day.


From our Golden Book


Hello sisters. I have read the text, I am moved to tears! It looks very good, I think the translation is good ! There are a few words you can change, but the meaning is very strong, and the message comes through very well.


Thank you for sharing with me those beautiful films. They are indeed both inspiring and heart-warming. God is surely smiling on these devoted and caring sisters to rebuild from destruction and disaster into a place of peace and beauty. Blessings to you
A.T. (England)


Dear Sister.
The videos were very moving.
The Marial sisters did an outstanding job indeed.
Thank you for sharing the videos with us.
Thank you for continuing your important work.
R.B. (USA)


Thank you very much. I will forward the links to the youtube videos to some young Catholic friends and will keep the sisters in Slovakia in my prayers. I love the music in the video !
Pax Christi
K.S. (England)






The Marial Sisters bought a building in ruins in 1999 and immediately started by putting the essential in it.
They took 20 years to make a convent habitable - with a visitors’house, for you!
Those years were heroic, for 20 years the Sisters endured the cold, the humidity and were working to remedy by installing doors and windows, insulating attics and walls, laying drains, masonry and making many others
At the same time, they were faithful to all demands of their life of silence and prayer.






The Marial Sisters invite us to receive this message of faith of their little Mother Myriam

in the face of the global pandemic of the coronavirus.


From the Golden Book


We have accessed video.
It is so beautiful and the sentiment is exquisite.
This is the type of online presentation that enhances everyone’s mental and emotional support at a time when that is almost as important as physical support.
You all are reaching out to the global community that is starved for this kind
reminder. Thank you all and for doing the work of God in this time of stress and uncertainty.
We certainly will ( and have ) passed on the beautiful video. The virus is beginning to get to be wide spread in the U S and Canada and will probably get worse in the weeks and months to come before it gets better. The very important video will help in the cause for things getting better. The Marial Sisters are an important part of the process indeed.
All our love , respect and admiration
R.B. : (USA)


Done ! I forwarded your message to a few friends ! Beautiful ! Thank you much !
J.C. (USA)


That is really good. I asked my friends in the Philippines to share it.
Father T.O. (Philippines)


Dear Sisters, it is really wonderful.
Father D.S. (Sri Lanka)


Thank you so much. Please stay healthy and be safe. I will share this inspiring video to our prayers
Sister M. (Philippines)


Thank you so much for sending the video.
J.B. (USA)


Thank you for this precious prayer. Many thanks. It is indeed prayers and music which calms me. I thank you for the sung prayer which I have and listen to often.
V.L. (USA)


Thank you so much for your kind words and for sharing with me the link to the videos.
I’ll definitely make sure to share them among my networks.
S.M. (Guatemala)


Thank you for this beautiful, nourishing and comforting melody.
CH.M. (Togo)


Thank you for remembering me and sending me such an invaluable video and message. Thanks again, really. I will be releasing such an important video to my colleagues and friends. May God bless you now and forever! "
H.G. (Éthiopie)


It's so beautiful to receive this message from you! Be sure I will share this video with my friends. May God bless you and keep you in good health. The world needs people like you. "
J.P. (Brésil)


Thank you very much for sharing with me this video, I shall share it with my contacts and I shall translate it into albanian with lots of love.
J.C. (Albanie)




Mother Myriam answers the young people